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(Natural News)
A witness called by Democrats to a Judiciary Committee hearing in the House Wednesday claimed that men are capable of getting pregnant and having abortions if they please.

(Article by Steve Watson republished from Summit.news)

Yes, really.

Aimee Arrambide, executive director of pro-abortion non-profit AVOW was grilled by Republican North Carolina Rep. Dan Bishop, who asked her how she would define a woman.

“I believe that everyone can identify for themselves,” Arrambide responded, prompting Bishop to further ask “Do you believe then that men can become pregnant and have abortions?”

“Yes,” Arrambide answered.



During the same hearing, Bishop asked another Democratic witness, reproductive healthcare Dr. Yashica Robinson, what a woman is.

Robinson responded “I think it’s important that we educate people like you about why we’re doing the things we do, and so the reason why I use ‘she’ and ‘her’ pronouns is because I understand there are people who become pregnant that may not identify that way, and I think it is discriminatory to speak to people or to call them in such a way that they desire not to be called.”

Biological male human beings cannot get pregnant, have babies or have abortions. Those who claim it is possible are either unaware of basic biological realities, or are engaging in anti-scientific disinformation.

Read more at: Summit.news

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